March 7~8, 2016 – Our president Tomoki Kato conducted a presentation at the North American Japanese Garden Association’s conference in Florida, USA. .
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October 4, 2015 (Sunday) – Our president Tomoki Kato conducted a presentation for the 2015 Hyogo Machinami Garden Show in Akashi.
April 25 (Sat) – President Tomoki Kato was a panelist at “The International Forum on Worldwide Famous Gardens and Creation of Beautiful Landscape” held on Awaji Island.
April 10-11, 2015 – The 2nd Kyoto Garden Tours by Ichizokai was held. President Tomoki Kato lead part of the tour on Friday with our garden craftsmen.
In the April 2015 issue of Landscape Research Japan Vol. 78, a research essay by our craftsman Tomio Sakaue and President Kato was published.
Feb. 24, 2015 – President Tomoki Kato met with Mr. Gilles Clément, a world famous French garden craftsman, and guided through Murin-an Garden.
Ichizokai Jan. 2015 issue – President Tomoki Kato is introduced as a commentator for the “kyoto Garden Tours” event.
Ichizokai Issue No.49 (Jan. 2015) – article about 2 of our staff receiving the grand awards, and Tomohiko Muto was in the column “My Work Site.”
On October 18, 2014, President Tomoki Kato gave a Keynote Speech at North American Japanese Garden Association(NAJGA) in Chicago, USA.
On June 21, 2014 – One of our garden craftsmen, Tomio Sakaue and President Tomoki Kato (with other co-authors)…