Ueyakato Landscape Japanese Garden Training Program 2025, explanatory session agenda


In advance of Ueyakato Landscape’s Japanese Garden Training Program 2025 (April 14-18, 2025) an online explanatory session will be held to explain the program’s merits to prospective participants. Those attending this session will be able to hear directly from the planners themselves about the program we have organized. We will also make time to answer as many of your questions as we can. Please feel free to attend.

If you would like to participate in this online session, please submit this form at least 24 hours beforehand. We will send a URL link to your e-mail address.

Date/Time: December 6, 2024. 9:00-10:00 JST (recommended for North & South America/Oceania/East Asia) & 18:00-19:00 JST (recommended for UK/EU/South Asia)

00:00-05:00 Introducing our company
05:00-35:00 Program details
30:00-40:00 Sharing last year’s program
45:00-1:00:00 Q&A session

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