Ichizokai Issue No.49 (Jan. 2015)


The Ichizokai Issue No.49 (January 2015) has an article covering the Ichizokai Award meeting held on October 24, 2014.
  2 of our wonderfully skilled staff are in the article, Yasutomo Inoue and Yumi Koyama, who received the grand award of excellence in 2014.
  In the column "My Work Site," one of our garden craftsmen, Tomohiko Muto, wrote about his passionate fostering garden work he does at Keihanna Commemorative Park. We hope you can sense his passion and devotion to the park from the article.

Ichizokai Issue No.49 (Jan. 2015) - award
"My Work Site" (Tomohiko Muto)

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