President Tomoki Kato cooperated in shooting the special episode titled “Aya-no-koto-wo-yuku Gokujo-no-aki Kyoto-momiji-no-kiko” of TV Asahi’s program “Miyako-no-kahori” broadcast from 9: 55 on October 22nd, 2011. In this program he and two actresses, Rina Uchiyama and Mari Hoshino, visited Nanzen-ji Temple and enjoyed maple leaves in Tenju-an, a sub-temple. He explained the magnificent view with its green, yellow and red color gradations. Then they took a walk in the precinct to the Suiro-kaku. Here, he presented his thoughts on the landscape designing of Nanzen-ji for more than 100 years, from Suiro-kaku’s completion until today.