Ueyakato Landscape has posted a new keywords article to its English website!

Photo credit: Byodoin Temple

Ueyakato Landscape has posted a new keywords article to its English website!
This time we're looking at the Pure Land garden.

The article introduces how Kyoto's court nobility created Buddhist temples that remade the pond garden form into a vision of rebirth into a pure land. Once employed by Kyoto’s court nobility as fundamental elements of their shinden-zukuri (“sleeping palace”) residences, the pond garden form now offered a model for depicting diagrammatic renderings (mandala) of the Buddhist Pure Land in three-dimensional form. Yet although the trend originated in Kyoto, it was only after migrating beyond the capital that the Pure Land garden succeeded in creating its most powerful visions of the Buddhist afterlife through integrated vistas that aligned the temple’s architecture and pond with a majestic mountain view in the background.

Read the full article here!

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