Ueyakato Landscape President Cooperates in Exhibit at Shofuso in Philadelphia

Philadelphia's authentic Japanese-style house "Shofuso" has been holding an exhibition on "Shofuso and Modernism" since Sept. 2. Shofuso was built in the style of a Japanese shoin (traditional drawing room) for the "House in the Garden" exhibit held at New York's Museum of Modern Art in 1954. After the exhibition, Shofuso was moved to its present location in Philadelphia's Fairmount Park. The Shofuso and Modernism exhibit focuses upon the creative bonds shared by a design team of four artists who were also famous woodworkers and architects: George Nakashima, married couple Antonin and Noémi Pernessin Raymond, and Junzo Yoshimura. Ueyakato Landscape president Tomoki Kato conducted an onsite survey of Shofuso and shared a garden restoration plan as well as information about how to promote understanding of garden management based upon a garden's core value.

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